Friday night tacos at Bakersfield | Virginia and her Grumpy looking at doggies | old fashioneds by the tree | Christmas dinner date | Panthers game | Roosters | Cappuccino at brunch | sweet girl in her Christmas dress
Happy Monday guys! We had such a wonderful weekend. MK and I had brunch with our book club on Saturday morning and it was so fun and so great to catch up with friends around the holidays. We stayed in on Saturday, cooked a yummy dinner and had old fashioneds while we finished our wrapping. Andy and I went to the Panthers game on Sunday (yay for a win!) and then snuck in a quick visit with Virginia too. No weekend is complete without a sweet little kiss from our favorite girl!
Virginia spent the weekend with her Cookie and Grumpy (my parents) in Columbia and went to the zoo and got to play with doggies, her favorite. She was in heaven! MK and JD managed to finish all their Christmas shopping and wrapping, went on their annual Christmas date and had a yummy brunch too. On Sunday, Virginia went to meet Santa but wasn't thrilled - there's always next year :). It really was a really wonderful weekend!
Hope everyone else had a great weekend!
- Heath
PS. 10 days until Christmas, can you believe it?!
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