
Monday, April 13, 2015

Around Here

road trip! | looking out over the city at Mount Washington | the baseball stadium overlooking the river and city - this has the boys wanting to plan another guys trip | Bloody Mary's + the Masters | Virginia sending me pics while I'm away | the beautiful William Penn | Meat & Potatoes! | back in time to watch the Masters

Happy Monday guys!  I really wasn't ready for this weekend to end!  We had such a good time at our friends' wedding in Pittsburg, plus the weather was so nice in Charlotte once we got back in town!  We packed the car and hit the road a little after lunch on Friday to begin the 7 hour drive to Pittsburg.  Have you guys ever been to Pittsburg?  It is such a cool city and we were completely surprised.  (My friends were making fun of me the whole time because of how much I loved it!)

First, it has to have the coolest entrance to any other city out there.  Your driving along the interstate passing what looks like the outskirts of any ole town (the outskirts of any town don't exactly look nice), then you drive through a tunnel cut through the mountain, and when you come out of the tunnel it's like out of no where there is beautiful Pittsburg with multiple rivers coming together and skyscrapers straight ahead.  We stayed in the William Penn, a great hotel with a historic feel and it seemed like such a treat.  (We all four piled in one room :)  We went to an artsy part of town Friday night for a really fun dinner with friends, explored the city Saturday, found a spot for Bloody Mary's to watch the Masters, and then had the best brunch at Meat & Potatoes.  Highly recommend!

That evening we went to our friends' beautiful wedding.  It was in a more residential area (a beautiful area!) in a stunning old church and then the reception was full of spring flowers, drinks flowing and a really fun band.  Just a really fun evening.  (We didn't take enough pictures because our phones were in their purses where they belonged! :)  Everyone there was having so much fun (including the beautiful bride!) and it was just perfect.  Meanwhile, Virginia was back at home having a spend the night party with her grand parents and great-grandmother!  They spoiled her with trips to the zoo, ice cream I'm sure, and fun in a mini pool.  I was sure happy to see her when we arrived home, and spent the rest of Sunday with her cuddling/being restless on my lap as we watched the Masters. 

Hope everyone has a great week! 

~Mary Keller

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