
Thursday, May 28, 2015

Brand Love | M. Gemi

I've been seeing this new-to-me shoe brand, M Gemi, everywhere lately so I wanted to share with you guys. M. Gemi was created after seeing a hole in the industry for luxury Italian shoes. Each pair is handcrafted in a family owned factory in Italy. Shoes are then distributed directly to consumers without the middleman, lowering prices compared to other luxury shoes. They aren't cheap but for a quality Italian leather shoe they aren't crazy either.

My favorite part - the attention to detail involved in the fitting process. You can read about it here, but overall it seems like they recognize the details necessary to create a superior fitting shoe. I love that! All my favorite shoes are are not my prettiest but my most comfortable, those are the ones I reach for most often. I picked out a few of my favorites below.

It's obvious I'm into chunky heels and flats right now but they have lots of options with a classic stiletto heel too. I love these classic pumps, and these nude heels would go with everything. I haven't purchased any but I'm dreaming about these so I'll let you know about the fit if I make a purchase. 

Any favorite brands we should know about?

- Heath 

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