Last Minute Stocking Stuffers

Have you guys finished your shopping yet? I'm embarrassed to admit I haven't. I'm usually really on top of things but the holidays just came too fast for me this year. Andy and I do an Angel Tree child every year and otherwise just exchange stockings to keep gifts under control. I've learned you can actually fit a good bit in a stocking but to keep things practical we do a good mix of drugstore items with small gifts. That's the best part of a stocking to me! You can have a goodie bag full of those small items that you always forget to buy and maybe one small item that's a little bit of a treat.

For her: a mini bottle of wine or champagne, dark chocolate, her favorite magazine, a clementine, fun nail polish and a bright lip gloss with a coffee mug with her new last initial (my favorite part of my stocking last year).

For him: holiday beer, a lint roller, razers, chapstick, his favorite magazine, shave cream, an orange, his favorite candy and a new kitchen tool he's been eyeing all year.
The perfect stocking (to me) is a good mix of random items mixed with a meaning gift. The best part about these stocking stuffers is you can grab them last minute at any grocery or drugstore. Then save your time and energy for the one little special gift you're including. What's in your stocking?
- Heath
PS growing up we had friends who always woke up to a stocking full of candy and fireworks for New Years. I think that's a fun idea too!


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