(Finally!) 2014 Resolutions

 image by Waiting On Martha

Warning: Apologies in advance for the world's LONGEST POST, but we're planning on a good 2014!  I know we're half way through January, but we finally had time this past weekend to sit down and actually make some resolutions.  I don't know if these are goals or resolutions or what you want to call them, but I'm a big fan of taking time every year to think about what you would like your year to include.  So, onto our "Resolutions" Below!

Mary Keller :
My college roommate and bff's mom suggested we read Write It Down, Make it Happen forever ago, and it really is true.  Write things down and make them happen this year.  I think it's much more fun to think about things you want to make happen for the year vs. thinking about things you want to change about yourself!

1. I will take more pictures in 2014 - Guys, this is on my list every year.  Close friends know that I am the WORST about taking pictures and with Virginia here this absolutely has to change.  I got a new camera last fall and I'm getting better.

2. I will take a floral class in 2014 - This is something I've been wanting to do for some time.  Nothing fancy, but just something to be a little better at arranging grocery store flowers.  I'm thinking about this online class by Chelsea Fuss

3. I will needlepoint one Christmas ornament for Virginia in 2014 - My grandmother gave Virginia a needlepoint ornament for Christmas and I'd really love to start the tradition of needlepointing her an ornament every year.  That means I have to learn to needlepoint first. 

4. I will host 4 parties in 2014 - I say it all the time but hosting and attending parties seriously brings me so much joy.  It's not exactly prime party time at our house with Virginia being so little, but I'd at least like to have 4 parties this year, even just casual dinner parties would be perfect!

5. I will Run the Thunder Road Half Marathon in 2014 - We ran this last year and I love this race.  Pre Virginia, Heath and I used to meet to run a few mornings (at 5:30 am!!) every week.  When it gets warmer and I can count on Virginia sleeping at night I plan to start this back up.  I feel SO much better when I'm running and running is quick and practically free.

6. I will make health a priority in 2014 - Speaking of running, I will make time to be healthy in 2014.  I know this is on everyone's New Year's list but for good reason.  My plan is always eating healthy during the week (super healthy breakfast and lunches) with normal dinners, and then enjoying a few splurges on the weekends.  My goal is exercise 3 days week.  I'm not trying to become any fitness allstar or anything this year, but I do need to have exercise as a regular part of  my life.

7.  I will have monthly "finance night" with J.D. in 2014 - J.D. and I are dorks and sit down monthly to create/review our budget, and I want to continue making this a priority this year.  Our life seems to click when we're on budget and just generally touching base, sitting down with each other monthly.  We've made so much progress since we've been married with this habit.

8. I will go on a vacation with J.D. in 2014 - Later this year when Virginia is a little older, I want to go on a getaway with J.D. purely for fun, even if it's just for the weekend.  Years ago I created a Mighty Life List that includes places we want to see in our amazing country and world.  I'm excited to see a new place this year, and can't wait to decide where that will be!  (Deciding where to go and planning the trip is half the fun!)

9. I will be present and enjoy my baby Virginia in 2014 - This is really my number one and the only thing I really care about in 2014.  I can honestly say so far this year I'm really doing well with this one.  I think going back to work has really helped me stop and focus completely on her while I'm with her.  I could stare at those brown eyes and make goofy noises to make her laugh all day long.  Love that girl and can't wait to enjoy 2014 with her.

Take a trip somewhere new – In 2014 we’re planning a trip (preferably) somewhere neither of us have been. While it’s fun to go anywhere with Andy we’re particularly wanting to explore somewhere new together in 2014. I think we’ve determined that this year we don’t have the time for a long trip to somewhere like Australia or Asia (which I’m dying to visit) so we’re going to attempt a long weekend like Cup of Jo suggested or Brooklyn Limestone seems to do quite often. Right now we’re thinking Ireland, Chile or Prague. I’d love to hear any suggestions you have.
Print photos – I have an ongoing goal of taking more photos and practicing photography because I genuinely love it so much but this year I’m making it a goal to actually do something with these photos. I have thousands of photos we’ve taken through the years but embarrassingly we have only one photo printed from our wedding and none from our honeymoon. Not to mention all the other fun trips before and after! So this year I’m going to take the time to catch up; print photos for us to frame and make photobooks for the rest.
Finances – Andy and I are pretty good savers but we aren’t necessarily the best day to day budgeters. We met some pretty big financial goals in 2013 and already have some hefty ones set for ourselves in 2014 but in addition to these I’d like to take more time to evaluate our monthly spending and budget. I think this will not only allow us to stay on top of our big picture goals, but also create ongoing dialogue about smaller goals.
Weekend getaways – We have a bad habit of not scheduling small weekend trips for the two of us which means our calendar generally gets filled up with other plans and then we decide to stay put for the few weekends we have that are free. So in 2014 I’m making it a priority to schedule a  few weekend getaways for the two of us to some NC cities we have been meaning to visit.
Tennis – In 2014 I will learn to play tennis, like really and truly learn. In the fall I started taking a clinic, and while it’s temporarily on hold right now for the winter I want to make it a goal of mine to attend the clinic regularly come spring and practice in between. Hopefully if I make a valiant effort for an entire year I will see some substantial improvement.
Wardrobe – At the beginning of 2013 my mom, sister and I did a HUGE closet clean out. We each got rid of a serious amount of clutter in our closets and it felt so good! I highly recommend everyone doing it once a year. We each made a good list of things needed(I realize this is all relative, I don’t actually need any clothes) to replenish our closets and a few items that we want. The reality is, I actually never acted on many if any of these items. I think I got overwhelmed and just stalled but in 2014 I’d like to knock out some or most of the items that I think are basic essentials for my closet and put into place the French 5 piece wardrobe going forward. While I talk a lot about style and clothes on here, my true style objective doesn’t include a never ending supply of things to choose from, it’s actually fairly simple and repeats a lot of essential favorites. I’d like to get closer to this place in 2014.
Exercise – I’m sure this is on everyone’s list but I have decided to make my health goals in 2014 a little more specific. MK and I used to run together a few mornings a week, we kept this up until right before Virginia was born but since then I’m embarrassed to say I’ve run only once or twice ugh! So starting today I’m getting back on track with my running every other day. I’d like to train and complete the Thunder Road half marathon with MK this fall and schedule another in the spring to keep me on track. I’d also like to incorporate more strength training into my life. If anyone has any good ideas for this I’m still looking (but remember I’m too cheap for you Crossfit folks!)
Health - This may sound crazy to some people but I have a confession - I eat ice cream multiple times a week. It’s a horrible habit that I’ve had as long as I can remember. In general I (try to) eat fairly healthy during the week and allow myself a little more wiggle room on the weekends. But if I’m being honest sweets have always been in a different category. I know my metabolism will only slow down from here so in 2014 I’m going to go ahead and nip this in the bud. I can hear Andy laughing now, but I’m going to eliminate my weekday sweets - making exceptions(of course!) for special occasions. Wish me luck!
Cooking – Our household tends to be the opposite from many others as far as cooking goes. Andy loves to cook and on top of that it doesn’t stress him out to do it on weeknights. I too love to cook but tend to get more enjoyment out of cooking on the weekends when I have more time to do so. As a result Andy cooks a lot of our weeknight meals. In 2014 I’d like to make a point for me to do more of the weeknight cooking (I’ll be relying a lot on the recipes we’ve perfected here). I’d also like to make a point to have this time be OURS. Take the time for us to just cook and talk to each other, maybe with a little music on in the background too but nothing else no blogging, no working, no catching up on cleaning etc. just cooking the two of us. It’s one of our favorite things to do together and I want to cherish that right now while we don’t have kids and other things pulling us in a million directions.

See, told you these were long!  Now, off to print and pin up this list on the kitchen bulletin board!  What are your goals & dreams for 2014?  We seriously would love to hear!

P.S. Another blogger Habitually Chic who inspires us to absolutely Write it Down and Makes it Happen.  Very jealous of her move to Paris for 3 months plan!  Wish I could add that too.

Image via Waiting on Martha


  1. Seriously, y'all have totally inspired me. I am going to work on my resolutions tonight. After reading this, I have determined that my half-hearted, extremely generic "get in shape" resolution is simply not going to cut it. And I really want to run in the thunder road half-marathon. (I'm including this in my comment so that one of you will hold me to this...) Yay 2014!

  2. Sara, you should do the Thunder Road with us! Have you ever done a half marathon? It will be super fun. We can put the kiddos in the stroller to train and then go out for big brunches after our long runs! :)
    ~Mary Keller

    1. YES!! I love this plan. And I have run a half marathon before, but I did not do a very good job training and my baby toenail fell off after the race. :-( This time, I will train.
