A Healthy Resolution

MK spoke about one of her resolutions earlier this week so today I wanted to chime in with one of mine. I tend to be very critical of myself. Setting mostly strict goals for improving myself, our home or even my relationships but when I came across this post on Ashley’s Instagram it resonated with me! Why am I so hard on myself?! Resolutions don’t have to be all about structure and bettering ourselves, they can be fun too. If I’m being honest that’s usually what I need in my life. Andy always gets on to me about my lack of ability to do things just for fun, I tend to keep a stack of to dos, cleaning, laundry etc. none of which are things I love like baking, reading, playing tennis etc.

So this year one of my resolutions is to bake one new recipe a month. I'd also like to read more! For January I’m getting a late start but I just started reading Gone Girl and decided to master cheese pennies, one of my favorite treats! 

Are your resolutions strictly about bettering yourself or do you cut yourself some slack? I’m thinking 2015 is the year for me to let go of some of those tendencies.

- Heath

PS we have book club this evening and we have lofty goals of actually reading in 2015, turned into more of a wine club in 2014, so we’d love any book suggestions you have!

image via Honestly Yum


  1. I think my resolution is going to be to read at least 1 book club book in 2015... ;o) (I LOVE reading + both wee ones sleep through the night (usually)! How hard can this be!?!)

    1. Meredith, I feel the same way! What am I doing with my time?!
