pretty clouds as we arrived in PA | Andy checking out his uncle's garden | birthday party fun for Virginia | yummy brisket | sidewalk/porch chalk | Andy's uncle's famous ribs | steak club tablescape | future garden inspiration
Good morning and happy Monday guys. So sad the weekend is over but it was a good one so I can't complain. Andy and I had such a wonderful visit with his family in Pennsylvania. We play lawn games, ate delicious food, went for long walks around their charming small town and explored their amazing garden pictured above. You can't see in the images above but they are growing everything you can think of from the standard tomatoes, lettuces and peppers to garlic, onions and asparagus AND raspberries, strawberries and blueberry. We were in heaven! Andy and I are definitely hiring his uncle to lay out a garden in our future home - seriously impressive guys!
Virginia had a birthday party on Saturday afternoon followed by a quick stop at a neighborhood block party - she's a party girl! Our steak club has turned into more of a beef club to keep the menu interesting. This month was a big success including brisket, homemade ice cream, a gorgeous table setting and some fun games to keep the conversation interesting!
Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!
- Heath
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