Around Here

newly framed Sally King Benedict piece and a sketch of baby Virginia | Virginia enjoying her Easter egg loot | V collecting eggs | Rock Salt happy hour | Saturday morning fresh biscuits | Sunday strolls | V feeling cool in her new sunglasses | Sunday fish tacos 

Happy Monday guys. This weekend was a good one! Andy and I tried Rock Salt, a new restaurant in town, on Friday and had such good oysters. I've been obsessed ever since my trip to Boston last summer so I'm happy to have a fix in town now. Virginia had her school Easter egg hunt on Friday. She found one egg with graham crackers and was uninterested in hunting for more! Afterwards they went out for pizza and unfortunately she took a little fall playing with the big kids and busted her little lip. She was a really good sport but her poor lip has seen better days!

Saturday I tested some biscuit recipes trying replicate a family recipe. I didn't nail it this time but the results were delicious and super easy. I'm hoping to fine tune it in time for our Easter brunch next weekend. We finished our day with a yummy dinner of short ribs with some friends and their kids at the Costa's. On Sunday we spent a good bit of time outside, made fish tacos and enjoyed some basketball. It was a really nice weekend!

Hope everyone has a good week!

- Heath


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