March's Project | Frame

I'm loving these monthly projects, but truthfully March's project really is just an add-on to buy me a little more time to finish up my February project.  (February was a short month so it's hard to get stuff done!!  Plus, framing pictures kind of goes along with organizing them, right?!)  So good news is my photos are fairly organized, bad news is I didn't get them put in photo books like I'd like.  So that's the plan for March.  Also, March is the month I'm planning a big Framing Project.  I have lots of random things that need to be framed around the house, small and large art that is currently just propped in random spots.  They finally need a proper frame and to be hung, plus I have lots of family photos that need to be framed and added to the gallery wall.  (There isn't a picture of Virginia's first birthday, one of my all time favorites days, in sight in this house!)  So, photo books plus framing is on schedule for March!  Charlotte folks, do you have a favorite frame resource?  Everyone else, do you have online frame resources that you love?  Heath and I are going to be putting together a round up and we'd love to include any of your ideas!

~Mary Keller

p.s. January's Project | Total Purge here, and February's Project | Organizee Photos here!

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